Here is the step-by-step instruction on how to use the Fax app

First-time installation

Kindly contact your service provider to purchase the subscription. You'll need a Fax - Premium plan to receive fax. 

Sending Fax

  1. First, Click on [Send New Fax] button in the left side

  2. Next, fill in the blank including fax subject & destination number

  3. Click on [Add] button after filling in destination number

  4. Then you have to upload file. Now, we only support these file formats .PDF, .PNG, .JPG, .JPEG, .BMP).

  5. You can tick in the box for DNC checking

  6. Finally, Click [Send Now]

  7. You can check all outgoing fax under [sent] tab in the left side

Receiving Fax

In order to configure the email address to receive incoming faxes, please following the instruction below

  1. Click on the [Settings] in the left side. 

  2. Then, filling in the email address 

  3. Tick in the box for subscribing to Fax status.

  4. Finally, click on [Save]