NOTE: Before getting started, please make sure that the pricing is set up correctly in your Product app.
1. Simply choose PURCHASE after you View an account
2. Choose a subscription, service or hardware that you want to buy for your customer
3. Payment method
Depend on what you are using, choose the correct method
- If the product/service is purchased under a contract, choose Contract. Customer balance is not deducted as the payment is covered by the contract.
- If you are NOT using B3 invoice system, choose Invoice. Customer balance is not deducted as the customer already paid for the items.
- Key in your external invoice number. This Invoice number will appear in transaction log to assist reconciliation.
- These transactions would not be recorded in the system.
- This option will only be available if B3 invoice system is disabled.
- ** Click HERE to check whether you are using B3 invoice system or not.
- If the item does not belong to any contract or external invoice, choose Purchase normal. Customer balance is deducted for the item price.
4. Check the quantity, discount rate and the billing cycle
5. Continue to Check out to see if credit is sufficient or need some more to complete the purchase. If the account does not have enough credit, please help them with a transfer.
6. Complete order