This application stores your invoice and revenue reports.
Notes: Report of this month (e.g. September) is available in the next month (October).
- Log in your admin account
- Go to Report app
- Select the year, month and download the necessary file.
- Invoice: your monthly tax invoice issued from The same with incoming invoice stored at File management.
- Revenue: contains the following
- your_domain-yyyy-mm-customers folder: monthly tax invoice that you send to your customer. The same with outgoing invoice store at File management.
- your_domain-yyyy-mm-cost-invoice-summary.csv: cost that B3networks charge you for your customer's transactions; grouped by wallet ID and type of transaction
- your_domain-yyyy-mm-customer-list.csv: list of your customers, including their name, orgID, wallet ID and closing balance at the invoiced date.
- your_domain-yyyy-mm-customer-product-summary.csv: revenue and cost that you gain/ spend on each type of purchase of each customer.
- your_domain-yyyy-mm-customer-summary.csv: the summarized revenue and cost of each single customer.
- your_domain-yyyy-mm-customer-topups.csv: the top-up records of your customers
- your_domain-yyyy-mm-date-summary.csv: revenue and cost grouped by date.
- your_domain-yyyy-mm-monthly-invoice-cost-breakdown.csv: cost that you are deducted by customer's transactions. The file also has customer name and integration code (the difference to the #2 file)
- your_domain-yyyy-mm-product-summary.csv: revenue and cost grouped by product
- your_domain-yyyy-mm-revenue-invoice-summary.csv: revenue that you obtain by customer's transactions
- your_domain-yyyy-mm-wallet-your_wallet_ID.csv: summary of your money flow within the month, including your own top-up and amount charged in the monthly invoice. The info here would match that of the incoming SOA stored at File management.