It is available at Payment

** If you are referring to payment of a prepaid account, click here. Want to learn the difference between prepaid and postpaid, click here

You are able to see how much they are able to use

  • Usable credits: how much the account can spend. 
  • Unbilled amount = expecting invoice: the usage amount for the current bill period = the amount has not yet billed/ invoiced. Depend on how you are setting up the invoice, the unbilled amount is determined differently.
    Sending out invoiceType of invoices to be sent
    Unbilled amount
    YesIndividual invoice (subscription, add-on, service and hardware) + monthly tax invoice (usage)
    - Usage charge (call, SMS, fax, number activation fee).
    - Reason: the other transactions are billed by the individual invoice every time they incur.
    Yes1 consolidated invoice a month (All transactions are composed in the monthly tax invoice)All transactions.
    NoNoAll transactions
  • Current balance: Current balance: the amount stored in this wallet.
  • Credit limit: the maximum amount of money that you let the user borrow. Credit limit is applied on the unbilled amount and is reset every month for postpaid users.
  • Reserved credit is caused by an ongoing transaction. If the transaction is successful, Reserved credit is deducted; otherwise, it is returned to the Usable credit.
  • Amount Due: the sum of all costs they have been invoiced for, minus any payments that have been applied to those costs
    • If amount due is DR, it means the user has not paid the invoice yet. usable credits = credit limit + unbilled - reserved

    • If amount due is CR, it means they have already overpaid by that amount. The overpayment can be used to pay for subsequent invoices. usable credits = credit limit + billed + unbilled - reserved