The Edge provides a routing engine that selects an outgoing interconnect (outbound trunk) for a call based on a set of user-defined routing criteria. Edge can handle various call processing functions such as route the call to 2 peers based on percentage load routing, block calls by number.
Here is the list of different routing criteria that the Edge supports:
Dialed Number Identification Service (DNIS) - route calls to peers based on called number.
Calling Line Identification (CLID) - route calls to peers based on calling number.
Percentage Load Routing - Failover, Load Balancing
- Longest matching prefix, Exactly match number
Partition routing by CLID tag
Blocking call by number
Prefix applies to DNIS routing.
Prefix applies to CLID routing.
The partition in CLID routing, used to separate routing realm.
Matching Type
The method to lookup route is based on the factors:
Longest Prefix Matching: The longest prefix matching criteria applies while each step is performed. At each step, if multiple matches are found, the one with the longest explicit match is chosen.
DNIS 1: 65 - Matching Type: Longest Prefix Matching
DNIS 2: 656 - Matching Type: Longest Prefix Matching
DNIS 3: 65675 - Matching Type: Longest Prefix Matching
>> Number 6567501111 matches DNIS 3
>> Number 6568111111 matches DNIS 2
>> Number 6531111111 matches DNIS 1
.Exactly Matching: The server will lookup the exact pattern.
DNIS: 6561234567 - Matching Type: Exactly Matching
>> Only number 6561234567 matches this rule.
Type Peer
Outbound peer that is used for routing outgoing calls. Peer can have the following values:
Default: after the DNIS is matched, the call will be distributed to the relevant outbound trunks based on the configured Load.
Primary route/secondary route: the call will be routed randomly to the assigned outbound trunks.
Jump to CLID: after the DNIS routing is matched, system will go to CLID routing rules which have the same Tag to continue checking.
Percentage of call distribution between 2 peers, value starts from 0 - 100:
100: means Failover (always uses the primary peer, the secondary peer will be used only if the call route via the primary route is failed)
50: means Load Balancing between peer 1 and peer 2.
0: is the contrary of 100
How to create a DNIS routing rule
- Go to Routing > DNIS > Create DNIS
. - Fill in DNIS > choose Matching Type > choose Type Peer > choose pre-set outbound trunk for Primary & Secondary Route > input Load (if the chosen Type Peer = Default) > Create
. - Finish
How to create a CLID routing rule
- Go to Routing > CLID > Create CLID
. - Fill in CLID > choose Matching Type > choose pre-set outbound trunk for Primary & Secondary Route > input Load > Create
. - Finish